Error Code Range: 200-299

200 - NoProcessToKill

That process was not started by Workflow, or already completed.

201 - TaskTypeNotSupported

The task type is not supported by the work runtime. [Task={0}, Name={1}].

202 - TaskExecutorNotFound

The requested task executor cannot be found. [Executor={0}, Name={1}].

203 - InsertConnectionFailed

Failed to add connection profile to the workflow server.

204 - UpdateConnectionFailed

Failed to update connection profile on the workflow server.

205 - DeleteConnectionFailed

Failed to delete connection profile from the workflow server.

206 - InsertSubscriberLinkFailed

Failed to add subscriber to the workflow server.

207 - UpdateSubscriberLinkFailed

Failed to update subscriber on the workflow server.

208 - DeleteSubscriberLinkFailed

Failed to delete subscriber from the workflow server.

209 - RepositoryIsNotLicensedForUser

The Laserfiche Server '{0}' is not licensed for use by this Workflow Server.

210 - InsertRegisteredSubscriberFailed

Failed to add registered subscriber on the workflow server.

211 - DeleteRegisteredSubscriberFailed

Failed to delete registered subscriber on the workflow server.

212 - DatabaseExceptionWrapper

A database error occurred. Please see the server error log for more details.

213 - AccessIsDenied

Access is denied

214 - AccessIsDenied_UserOnly

Access is denied. User '{0}' does not have enough rights to perform this action.

215 - AccessIsDenied_ManageTrustees

Access is denied. User '{0}' does not have enough rights to perform this action.

216 - AccessIsDenied_CreateRule

Access is denied. User '{0}' does not have enough rights to perform this action.

217 - AccessIsDenied_DeleteRule

Access is denied. User '{0}' does not have enough rights to perform this action.

218 - AccessIsDenied_ViewRule

Access is denied. User '{0}' does not have enough rights to perform this action.

219 - AccessIsDenied_PublishWorkflow

Access is denied. User '{0}' does not have enough rights to perform this action.

220 - AccessIsDenied_UpdateWorkflow

Access is denied. User '{0}' does not have enough rights to perform this action.

221 - AccessIsDenied_DownloadWorkflow

Access is denied. User '{0}' does not have enough rights to perform this action.

222 - AccessIsDenied_DeleteWorkflow

Access is denied. User '{0}' does not have enough rights to perform this action.

223 - AccessIsDenied_ViewWorkflow

Access is denied. User '{0}' does not have enough rights to perform this action.

224 - AccessIsDenied_SearchWorkflow

Access is denied. User '{0}' does not have enough rights to perform this action.

225 - AccessIsDenied_ModifySettings

Access is denied. User '{0}' does not have enough rights to perform this action.

226 - AccessIsDenied_ADOAccess

Access is denied. User '{0}' does not have enough rights to perform this action.

227 - AccessIsDenied_ChangeSchedule

Access is denied. User '{0}' does not have enough rights to perform this action.

228 - AccessIsDenied_CreateSchedule

Access is denied. User '{0}' does not have enough rights to perform this action.

229 - AccessIsDenied_DeleteSchedule

Access is denied. User '{0}' does not have enough rights to perform this action.

230 - AccessIsDenied_ViewSchedule

Access is denied. User '{0}' does not have enough rights to perform this action.

231 - AccessIsDenied_InvalidSchedule

An invalid schedule was provided.

233 - LinkedObjectInUse

The object cannot be deleted because it is linked to a published workflow.

234 - CantDeleteSystemAssembly

A system assembly cannot be deleted.

235 - CantAddToRootCategory

The root category cannot contain any workflows

236 - FindOrCreateEntryFolderFailed

Could not find or create folder '{0}'.

237 - TokenNotSet

The token {0} has not been set.

238 - ValueConversionFailed

The value {0} could not be converted.

239 - ArgumentNotValid

The specified value is not valid.

240 - ServiceMissing

The '{0}' service is missing.

241 - ServerNotFound

The Laserfiche server '{0}' could not be found.

242 - InvokeWorkflow_ValidationError_InvalidMachine

Synchronous workflows must be on the same machine as this workflow.

243 - EndWorkflowNoParent

This workflow did not have a parent workflow to perform an action on.

244 - PageRangeError

Page Requested: {0}, Valid Range: 1-{1}

245 - UserHadNoFolder

Routing to user '{0}' has been canceled because there is no working folder assigned.

247 - LookupUserFailed

No user was found with search value '{0}' in user provider '{1}'.

248 - NoValidFolders

The group had no valid users to route to.

250 - RoutingOptionsDialog_GroupCouldNotBeFound

Could not find the group '{0}'. Would you like to continue closing the dialog?

251 - RoutingOptionsDialog_GroupNotSet

A group has not been specified but is required. Would you like to continue closing the dialog?

252 - RoutingOptionsDialog_UserCouldNotBeFound

Could not find the user '{0}'. Would you like to continue closing the dialog?

253 - RoutingOptionsDialog_UserNotSet

A user has not been specified but is required. Would you like to continue closing the dialog?

254 - RoutingOptions_CouldNotResolveUser

The currently configured user could not be resolved. Editing this option may lose the configured user. Would you like to still configure this option?

255 - NoEmailServerConfigured

An e-mail server must be configured in order to send an e-mail.

256 - NotNumberToken

The value of '{0}' is not a number.

258 - PageNotExist

The page '{0}' doesn't exist

260 - NoPageMatched

There are no pages matching the range '{0}'.

261 - MovePageSourceEntryNotFound

Source entry not found

262 - MovePageTargetEntryNotFound

Target entry not found

263 - NoEntrySpecified

No entry was specified.

264 - CreateLinkFailed

The entry with ID {0} was a folder or a shortcut to a folder. Links can only be created between documents.

265 - InvalidFieldDataWarning

The data assigned to field '{0}' is not valid. {1} [{2}]

266 - ScriptEntryAmbiguous

Could not execute script. {0} possible methods found to execute. There should only be one.

267 - ScriptEntryNotFound

The script method could not be found.

268 - FailedToGetResults

Failed to get results.

270 - DateOutOfRange

Date must be the year 1753 or later.

271 - DateOutOfRangeHijri

Date must be the year 1753 or later.

272 - DateOutOfRangeUmAlQura

Date must be the year 1753 or later.

274 - ErrorValidatingMask

The field value must be in the format '{0}'.

275 - ErrorValidatingMaskCustom


276 - FieldNotANumber

The field must be a number.

279 - FieldTooLong

The value is too long by {0} character(s).

280 - InvalidDate

The date / time value is invalid.

281 - LongOutOfRange

Field must be between 0 and 3,999,999,999.

282 - NotInList

The value '{0}' is not in the list of field values.

283 - ShortOutOfRange

Field must be between 0 and 64,999.

284 - LinkTypeNotExist

The specified link type does not exist.

285 - PageIndexInvalid

The '{0}' is not a valid page index.

286 - AnnotationPositionWarning

The correct position of the annotation could not be determined. The image size was not valid.

287 - SourceEntryIsNotDocument

The source entry '{0}' is not a document

288 - TargetEntryIsNotDocument

The destination entry '{0}' is not a document

290 - NoProfileSpecified

The requested action could not be performed because there is no connection profile specified.

292 - FailedToValidateFolderStructure_Default

The destination folder path does not exist.

293 - AnnotationCanOnlyBeAddedToDocuments

Annotations can only be added to documents. The entry is a {0}.

294 - AnnotationPageCouldNotBeDetermined

The annotation could not be added because the page could not be determined. Page value: {0}

295 - AnnotationPositionNoCustomPoints

There were no custom points specified.

296 - AnnotationPositionValueParseError

The value could not be parsed. Value: {0}

297 - AnnotationDocumentHasNoPages

The annotation document has no pages.

298 - FailedToValidateFolderStructure_CreatedFolder

The destination folder structure did not exist and was created.

299 - DuplicateFolder

A duplicate object exists. Created the folder '{0}' instead of '{1}'. Destination Path = {2}]